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(81 People Likes) Can tariffs on imports cause cost-push inflation?

LATION IS GONNA MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! (It’s gonna suck for Americans, but why quibble)
On the surface, the recent tariff on Chinese manufactured solar panels seems to make sense. After all, who wants the Chinese to dump their solar panels on the market?? So, USA! USA! USA! Our solar producers are gonna crush it!
Except we only have a handful of solar plants. And, they’re all owned by foreign companies. Japanese, Koreans and Germans.
With no meaningful domestic suppliers, Americans benefitted from the low priced Chinese panels. They made solar a cheaper alternative.
But, they’re not gonna benefit from Cost-plus inflation. Cost push inflation is inflation caused by an increase in prices of inputs like labour, raw material, etc. The increased price of the factors of production leads to a decreased supply of these goods. While the demand remains constant, the prices of commodities increase causing a rise in the overall price level.
In other words, if you increase the cost of inputs, you make buying a solar system less attractive.
Well… there are a few Americans that it benefits. And, they’re getting a huge subsidy payment from the middle class so they can keep shitting toxic sludge into our air and water.
Let’s put aside the fact that “clean coal” is bullshit. Actually, the solar industry employees 3x as many people as the coal, oil and gas industries sex doll pictures COMBINED
Furthermore, the fossil fuel folks are enjoying amazing gains in productivity thanks to new technology. So, basically the benefit of this tarrif will be to increase prices to allow them to further improve their profits
The problem with defending a bankrupt position is that the truth slips out from time to time. The American Enterprise Institute is a well funded producer of misinformation Their research resembles the conclusions of a learning-disabled Machiavelli. But, my favorites are – in their desperation to make an dishonest point they end up conceding some kernel of truth.
Here’s a case in point. It’s a great headline too. If you believe it (and Fox News thought this was insightful). “It takes 79 solar workers to produce the same amount of energy 1 coal worker can”
Let’s assume that they’re right (they’re not. For example they’re ridiculous in the way they create a lot of indirect labor for solar calculate their 79 workers to produce the same amount of energy). And, let’s put aside the other major flaw they missed .., the very definition of renewable emergy- I’m pretty sure that once you produce a unit of renewable energy, that will continue to produce energy over and over again – whereby once you burn that coal, you’ll never be able to do it again. (And, all we’ll have to remember that lovely energy is a nagging cough and an unstable climate)
But (and this is why they’re so ridiculous). If the point is to protect American jobs, would you wanna protect the industry that employed more people?
So, to be clear, no matter how you slice it, this tarrif hurts Americans. But, there’s one guy who it doesn’t hurt to tickle. While likely the dumbest member of trumps cabinet (trump likely picked Perry because of his ability to make Trump seem more articulate by comparison)
Turns out Rick Perry’s friends made our just fine.
I kinda think so
Because of the constant stream of anger vommitting from the Right Wing Propaganda machine, the hillbillies who voted for Trump Realistic Sex Doll ill never understand why their lives keep getting worse.
Whether his tax plan, deregulation, rollback of Obamacare or small, sector specific subsidies to the wealthy Trump will continue to dole out the national resources to a tight knit circle of friends (much like the other kleptocratwho put him there)
A lot of the Trump drama that attracts so much news coverage masks this far more insidious agenda. Technology is eroding the value of traditonal labor. Rather than use the additional resources creates by the improved productivity to retrain the working class / middle class. We support policiea that starve the government of their resources for in

(67 People Likes) Generally, girls love having teddy bear dolls. How did this attraction start at all?

Day, I gifted my girlfriend a large teddy and she fell in love with it. In fact, she loved it so much that every night she hugs it and sleeps with it. And as far as children go, it is quite clear why they are attrac sex doll pictures ed towards it. When children are growing, they don’t have friends and the only friends they can call their own are either stuffed toys or teddy bears.
Children highly rely on teddy bears and consider the Anime Sex Doll as living things. To the extent, they feel comfortable with teddies and share an intimate relationship with them.
There are wide variety of toys and teddy bears available online with amazing discounts. So the choice for women and children are never ending. I hope I’ve answered your question. Personally, I love teddy bears

(47 People Likes) No Time For Dating

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(28 People Likes) Wouldn’t a battle between Hulk and Superman severely damage if not outright destroy the multiverse?

l there is, in their respective Universes.
Even in the most dire of circumstances (without an extenuating and amplifying technology, i.e. Infinity Gauntlet
, Cosmic Cube
, Heart of the Universe
, the Ultimate Nullifier
or the M’Krann Crystal
) could a battle between these two titans ever endanger the ENTIRE Universe, let alone the collection of entire universes which comprise whatever passes for a Multiverse embodying both of these comic universes and their related cosmic timelines/realities/parallel dimensions.
While these two entities comprise what are arguably two of the most potent of the types of limited reality-altering heroes, entities who shape reality mostly by their unconscious force of will, neither could summon the will or have ever demonstrated the capacity to extinguish even the tiniest star, let alone the entirety of a galaxy, or the subsequent destruction of a galactic group.
If you send me a picture of either Superman or the Hulk manhandling a gravitational singularity
(yes, such pictures exist) I will denounce it as allegorical hyperbole and an example of their unconscious reality-manipulation. (Meaning, they are as strong as their plots demands them to be – and just how science-deficient most comic books are.)
For the record, we technically have had one of the most powerful versions of the Hulk, the Green Scar (colloquially known as World War Hulk) face off against a Marvel-analog version of Superman known as the Sentry. In their titanic struggle they didn’t even manage to destroy an entire city.
Was this either of them going full out? Probably not. The planet most assuredly would not have enjoyed the results of that energy output. Still don’t see the entire Universe in any particular danger, though…
Real Science comparisons to put the Universe to the proper scale
Why I feel confident the Universe can take the strain is simple. For all of their incredible power, they pale before truly incredible energies we take for granted all the time: Like the sun. I have already explained how puny the Hulk’s powers are in relationship to the sun, but if you’re interested in how stars work and how the Hulk disappears in a greasy cloud of angry smoke, try this on for size: Would launching the Hulk into the Sun kill him?
Compare the size of the Earth to the size of the sun:
The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it.
Compare the size of the sun to the size of the Milky Way Galaxy (where we live)
The Milky Way
is a barred spiral galaxy
that has a diameter usually considered to be about 100,000–120,000 light-years
but may be 150,000–180,000 light-years. The Milky Way is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars
. There are likely at least 100 billion planets
in the Milky Way.
The Solar System is located within the disk, about 27,000 light-years from the Galactic Center
, on the inner edge of one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust called the Orion Arm
Our puny galaxy when compared to other larger, more impressive, nay, shall I say majestic galaxies.
For comparison, the Milky Way
is believed to contain a mere 100 billion stars (that’s a lot, but not compared to a trillion). This brings us to the main point of this article – IC 1101. IC 1101
is the single largest galaxy that has ever been found in the observable universe. Futurism – Jan 17, 2016
It’s simply too much to imagine (the complete destruction of the Universe) happening in any kind of real way outside of comic (and science) fiction.
A flat universe of theoretically infinite size should be beyond their ability to affect in its entirety, because the forces they manipulate would be limited by the speed of light.
So let’s assume a fi sex doll pictures ht between these two could somehow cause a catastrophic rip in the space-time continuum, sufficient to trigger a second Big Bang, releasing a new universe, rewriting the old one, this effect would be limited and travel slower than the expansion of the first theoretically infinite universe already in existence.
Even if we take into consideration the theory of inflation, the new Universe should in theory never catch up in size to the older, already-existing “infinite” universe. Creating an effect like a Matryoshka doll except with separate, smaller Universes embedded within each other.
A matryoshka doll (Russian
: матрёшка;) also known as a Russian nesting doll, or Russian doll, is a set of wooden dolls
of decreasing size placed one inside another. The name “matryoshka” (матрёшка), literally “little matron”, is a diminutive
form of Russian female first name “Matryona” (Матрёна) or “Matriosha”.
A set of matryoshkas consist of a wooden figure which separates, top from bottom, to reveal a smaller figure of the same sort inside, which has, in turn, another figure inside of it, and so on.
DC and Marvel writers would experience seizures as they have to explain how a universe, inside a universe, replaces an existing universe at the speed of light and how some parts of the Universe are disappearing while other parts remain unaware of this transformation, unless they possess faster than light sensor (and/or) traveling technology. Then they watch as a wave of primordial destruction erases parts the prime universe with a second, more energetic one. Eventually.
But don’t think Marvel’s writers haven’t tried it. (Masterfully, I might add.)
Marvel’s Annihilation Saga postulated exactly this thread: An encroaching universe (the Negative Zone) was invading ours, with the goal of erasing and replacing our Universe with theirs, claiming they were retaking what once belonged to them. A phenomenon called the Annihilation Wave swept away anything in its path. Comprised of monstrous species, it was the precursor to an energy which would replace our universe with a new one at a border between both Universes called the Crunch.
The Kyln
: A power-plant at the edge of the Universe, providing power to millions of aliens species across the galaxy, harvesting the energy of an expanding Universe and imprisoning the most dangerous criminals from thousands of worlds. Lifespan of average criminal is three solar years… Mind blown!
No. Superman and the Hulk in their peak forms using t Cheap Sex Dolls eir peak abilities could not destroy a star, let alone a galaxy. A Universe is out of the question.
Even if they were augmented further by the world-shattering, reality-altering power of a being whose alignment with the powers of the Universe are far greater than their own, say by Galactus or another of his cosmic brethren, even then, they could not destroy a single universe on their own.
In Marvel’s comics, it takes singular beings on the scale of The One-Above-All, the Beyonders
, or the manipulation of titanic technologies (see above) to destroy an entire reality let alone all of the Multiversal realities in a single instance.
In the (less than excellent, in my opinion) Secret Wars II, The Beyonders, cosmically powerful beings, each godlike in their own right, existing outside the Multiverse as we understand it want to find out what happens when every universe (they don’t inhabit) is destroyed at once. To that end, they destroy the abstract entities which comprise the intelligent manifestations of the Universe in a massacre designed to destroy the Multiverse.
It’s a matter of scale: It took beings capable of creating entire Universes (the Beyonders), to attempt to destroy the Multiverse. Superman and the Hulk are completely out of their league, even on their very best depicted days.
Yes, Silver Age Superboy towed planets and Worldbreaker Hulk could destroy them with his world-shattering waves.
Now go back and look at how tiny and insignificant the Earth is in comparison to the size of a star (see above), then compared to the size of a galaxy and you realize just how tiny both of those godlike men really are in the universal scheme of things.
When the dial can be scaled toward beings whose capacity can create or destroy entire Universes like the Beyonders
can, it is hard to remember beings like Superman or the Hulk even exist.
Questions about the Cosmic Order:
Why did The One-Above-All let the Marvel multiverse be destroyed by the Beyonders?
Who is the most powerful being in the Marvel franchise?
In an all-out struggle, who wins: the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe?
Is the Council of Godheads stronger than the Celestials?
Is the god-being, Yahweh, depicted in the Ghost Rider series, the same entity as Marvel’s The-One-Above-All? (a primer on the origin of the Gods of the Marvel Un

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